CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW requests_vw AS SELECT url,COALESCE(videoTitle,url) AS title,displayName AS requester,imageUrl,state,score,reqTimestamp FROM requests JOIN requestMetadata USING (url) JOIN scores USING (url) JOIN users ON requests.requester = users.userid ORDER BY score DESC, reqTimestamp ASC; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_requests_voted(votinguserid int) RETURNS TABLE ( url varchar, title varchar, requester varchar, imageUrl varchar, state varchar, score int, reqTimestamp timestamptz, voted bool ) LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ SELECT url,title,requester,imageUrl,state,score,reqTimestamp, (CASE WHEN votes.userid IS NULL THEN FALSE ELSE TRUE END) AS voted FROM requests_vw LEFT JOIN votes ON (requests_vw.url = votes.requesturl AND votes.userid = votinguserid) ORDER BY score DESC, reqTimestamp ASC; $$; /* View to determine the score added by votes from different classes of users. In order for songs with no votes to show up in this view (and thus have their scores properly calculated), the query must be JOINed to requests, the URL must be selected as requests.url rather than votes.requesturl (which is null in the case of no votes), and{follower,subscriber} must be COALESCEd to FALSE as in the case of no votes, user.* will be NULL. */ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW vote_score_vw AS WITH votepoints AS (SELECT normaluservotepoints, followervotepoints, subscribervotepoints FROM config) SELECT requests.url AS url, COUNT(votes.requesturl) AS count, COALESCE( SUM(CASE WHEN users.isfollower = FALSE AND users.issubscriber = FALSE THEN votepoints.normaluservotepoints WHEN users.isfollower = TRUE AND users.issubscriber = FALSE THEN votepoints.followervotepoints WHEN users.issubscriber = TRUE THEN votepoints.subscribervotepoints END), 0 ) AS votescore FROM requests LEFT JOIN votes ON votes.requesturl = requests.url LEFT JOIN users on votes.userid = users.userid LEFT JOIN bans ON users.userid = bans.userid CROSS JOIN votepoints WHERE bans.userid IS NULL GROUP BY url; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW streamer_user_vw AS SELECT users.userid as userid, users.displayname as displayname, users.imageurl as imageurl FROM streamer LEFT JOIN users ON streamer.userid = users.userid;