"""Onionr - Private P2P Communication. Create and insert Onionr blocks """ from typing import Union import ujson as json from gevent import spawn from onionrutils import bytesconverter, epoch import filepaths import onionrstorage from .. import storagecounter from onionrplugins import onionrevents as events from etc import powchoice, onionrvalues import config import onionrcrypto as crypto import onionrexceptions from onionrusers import onionrusers from onionrutils import localcommand, blockmetadata, stringvalidators import coredb import onionrproofs from onionrproofs import subprocesspow import logger from onionrtypes import UserIDSecretKey """ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ def _check_upload_queue(): """Returns the current upload queue len raises OverflowError if max, false if api not running """ max_upload_queue: int = 5000 queue = localcommand.local_command('/gethidden', maxWait=10) up_queue = False try: up_queue = len(queue.splitlines()) except AttributeError: pass else: if up_queue >= max_upload_queue: raise OverflowError return up_queue def insert_block(data: Union[str, bytes], header: str = 'txt', sign: bool = False, encryptType: str = '', symKey: str = '', asymPeer: str = '', meta: dict = {}, expire: Union[int, None] = None, disableForward: bool = False, signing_key: UserIDSecretKey = '') -> Union[str, bool]: """ Create and insert a block into the network. encryptType must be specified to encrypt a block if expire is less than date, assumes seconds into future. if not assume exact epoch """ our_private_key = crypto.priv_key our_pub_key = crypto.pub_key storage_counter = storagecounter.StorageCounter() allocationReachedMessage = 'Cannot insert block, disk allocation reached.' if storage_counter.is_full(): logger.error(allocationReachedMessage) raise onionrexceptions.DiskAllocationReached if signing_key != '': # if it was specified to use an alternative private key our_private_key = signing_key our_pub_key = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str( crypto.cryptoutils.get_pub_key_from_priv(our_private_key)) use_subprocess = powchoice.use_subprocess(config) retData = False if type(data) is None: raise ValueError('Data cannot be none') createTime = epoch.get_epoch() dataNonce = bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(crypto.hashers.sha3_hash(data)) try: with open(filepaths.data_nonce_file, 'r') as nonces: if dataNonce in nonces: return retData except FileNotFoundError: pass # record nonce with open(filepaths.data_nonce_file, 'a') as nonceFile: nonceFile.write(dataNonce + '\n') plaintext = data plaintextMeta = {} plaintextPeer = asymPeer retData = '' signature = '' signer = '' metadata = {} # metadata is full block metadata # meta is internal, user specified metadata # only use header if not set in provided meta meta['type'] = str(header) if encryptType in ('asym', 'sym'): metadata['encryptType'] = encryptType else: if not config.get('general.store_plaintext_blocks', True): raise onionrexceptions.InvalidMetadata( "Plaintext blocks are disabled, " + "yet a plaintext block was being inserted") if encryptType not in ('', None): raise onionrexceptions.InvalidMetadata( 'encryptType must be asym or sym, or blank') try: data = data.encode() except AttributeError: pass if encryptType == 'asym': # Duplicate the time in encrypted messages to help prevent replays meta['rply'] = createTime if sign and asymPeer != our_pub_key: try: forwardEncrypted = onionrusers.OnionrUser( asymPeer).forwardEncrypt(data) data = forwardEncrypted[0] meta['forwardEnc'] = True # Expire time of key. no sense keeping block after that expire = forwardEncrypted[2] except onionrexceptions.InvalidPubkey: pass if not disableForward: fsKey = onionrusers.OnionrUser(asymPeer).generateForwardKey() meta['newFSKey'] = fsKey jsonMeta = json.dumps(meta) plaintextMeta = jsonMeta if sign: signature = crypto.signing.ed_sign( jsonMeta.encode() + data, key=our_private_key, encodeResult=True) signer = our_pub_key if len(jsonMeta) > 1000: raise onionrexceptions.InvalidMetadata( 'meta in json encoded form must not exceed 1000 bytes') # encrypt block metadata/sig/content if encryptType == 'sym': raise NotImplementedError("not yet implemented") elif encryptType == 'asym': if stringvalidators.validate_pub_key(asymPeer): # Encrypt block data with forward secrecy key first, but not meta jsonMeta = json.dumps(meta) jsonMeta = crypto.encryption.pub_key_encrypt( jsonMeta, asymPeer, encodedData=True).decode() data = crypto.encryption.pub_key_encrypt( data, asymPeer, encodedData=False) signature = crypto.encryption.pub_key_encrypt( signature, asymPeer, encodedData=True).decode() signer = crypto.encryption.pub_key_encrypt( signer, asymPeer, encodedData=True).decode() try: onionrusers.OnionrUser(asymPeer, saveUser=True) except ValueError: # if peer is already known pass else: raise onionrexceptions.InvalidPubkey( asymPeer + ' is not a valid base32 encoded ed25519 key') # compile metadata metadata['meta'] = jsonMeta if len(signature) > 0: # I don't like not pattern metadata['sig'] = signature metadata['signer'] = signer metadata['time'] = createTime # ensure expire is integer and of sane length if type(expire) is not type(None): # noqa if not len(str(int(expire))) < 20: raise ValueError( 'expire must be valid int less than 20 digits in length') # if expire is less than date, assume seconds into future if expire < epoch.get_epoch(): expire = epoch.get_epoch() + expire metadata['expire'] = expire # send block data (and metadata) to POW module to get tokenized block data if use_subprocess: payload = subprocesspow.SubprocessPOW(data, metadata).start() else: payload = onionrproofs.POW(metadata, data).waitForResult() if payload != False: # noqa try: retData = onionrstorage.set_data(payload) except onionrexceptions.DiskAllocationReached: logger.error(allocationReachedMessage) retData = False else: if disableForward: logger.warn( f'{retData} asym encrypted block created w/o ephemerality') """ Tell the api server through localCommand to wait for the daemon to upload this block to make statistical analysis more difficult """ spawn( localcommand.local_command, '/daemon-event/upload_event', post=True, is_json=True, postData={'block': retData} ).get(timeout=5) coredb.blockmetadb.add.add_to_block_DB( retData, selfInsert=True, dataSaved=True) if expire is None: coredb.blockmetadb.update_block_info( retData, 'expire', createTime + min( onionrvalues.DEFAULT_EXPIRE, config.get( 'general.max_block_age', onionrvalues.DEFAULT_EXPIRE))) else: coredb.blockmetadb.update_block_info(retData, 'expire', expire) blockmetadata.process_block_metadata(retData) if retData != False: # noqa if plaintextPeer == onionrvalues.DENIABLE_PEER_ADDRESS: events.event('insertdeniable', {'content': plaintext, 'meta': plaintextMeta, 'hash': retData, 'peer': bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(asymPeer)}, threaded=True) else: events.event('insertblock', {'content': plaintext, 'meta': plaintextMeta, 'hash': retData, 'peer': bytesconverter.bytes_to_str(asymPeer)}, threaded=True) spawn( localcommand.local_command, '/daemon-event/remove_from_insert_queue_wrapper', post=True, postData={'block_hash': retData}, is_json=True ).get(timeout=5) return retData