# Contributing to Onionr One of the great things about open source projects is that they allow for many people to contribute to the project. This file should serve as a guideline when contributing to Onionr. ## Code of Conduct Most of these should be common sense. But just in case, I will clarify a couple rules: - **Don't spam or attack.** - Nobody likes to deal with people who spam comments, messages, pull requests, issues, etc - Don't spam comment "I agree" on an issue suggesting a new feature, for example. Use `:thumbsup:` - Keep things like commit messages concise, don't submit an essay in a comment in response to a GitHub issue - Make commits when something is changed *and* tested - **Stay professional.** - Be kind and responsible - Avoid the use of content that may offend others - GitHub Issues is not a good place to be having an off-topic conversation - Assume people from around the world will be reading your comments, messages, commit messages, etc, and write them accordingly ## Reporting Bugs Bugs can be reported using GitHub issues. TODO ## Asking Questions TODO ## Contributing Code TODO **Thanks for contributing to Onionr!**