"""Onionr - Private P2P Communication. Lookup new blocks with the communicator using a random connected peer """ from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from gevent import time if TYPE_CHECKING: from deadsimplekv import DeadSimpleKV import logger import onionrproofs from onionrutils import stringvalidators, epoch from communicator import peeraction, onlinepeers from coredb.blockmetadb import get_block_list from utils import reconstructhash from onionrblocks import onionrblacklist import onionrexceptions import config from etc import onionrvalues from onionrblocks.storagecounter import StorageCounter """ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ blacklist = onionrblacklist.OnionrBlackList() storage_counter = StorageCounter() def lookup_blocks_from_communicator(comm_inst): logger.info('Looking up new blocks') tryAmount = 2 newBlocks = '' # List of existing saved blocks existingBlocks = get_block_list() triedPeers = [] # list of peers we've tried this time around # Max amount of *new* block hashes to have in queue maxBacklog = 1560 lastLookupTime = 0 # Last time we looked up a particular peer's list new_block_count = 0 kv: "DeadSimpleKV" = comm_inst.shared_state.get_by_string("DeadSimpleKV") for i in range(tryAmount): # Defined here to reset it each time, time offset is added later listLookupCommand = 'getblocklist' if len(kv.get('blockQueue')) >= maxBacklog: break if not kv.get('isOnline'): break # check if disk allocation is used if storage_counter.is_full(): logger.debug( 'Not looking up new blocks due to maximum amount of disk used') break try: # select random online peer peer = onlinepeers.pick_online_peer(kv) except onionrexceptions.OnlinePeerNeeded: time.sleep(1) continue # if we've already tried all the online peers this time around, stop if peer in triedPeers: if len(kv.get('onlinePeers')) == len(triedPeers): break else: continue triedPeers.append(peer) # Get the last time we looked up a peer's stamp, # to only fetch blocks since then. # Saved in memory only for privacy reasons try: lastLookupTime = kv.get('dbTimestamps')[peer] except KeyError: lastLookupTime = epoch.get_epoch() - \ config.get("general.max_block_age", onionrvalues.DEFAULT_EXPIRE) listLookupCommand += '?date=%s' % (lastLookupTime,) try: newBlocks = peeraction.peer_action( comm_inst.shared_state, peer, listLookupCommand) # get list of new block hashes except Exception as error: logger.warn( f'Could not get new blocks from {peer}.', error=error) newBlocks = False if newBlocks != False: # noqa # if request was a success for i in newBlocks.split('\n'): if stringvalidators.validate_hash(i): i = reconstructhash.reconstruct_hash(i) # if newline seperated string is valid hash # if block does not exist on disk + is not already in queue if i not in existingBlocks: if i not in kv.get('blockQueue'): if onionrproofs.hashMeetsDifficulty(i) and \ not blacklist.inBlacklist(i): if len(kv.get('blockQueue')) <= 1000000: # add blocks to download queue kv.get('blockQueue')[i] = [peer] new_block_count += 1 kv.get('dbTimestamps')[peer] = \ epoch.get_rounded_epoch(roundS=60) else: if peer not in kv.get('blockQueue')[i]: if len(kv.get('blockQueue')[i]) < 10: kv.get('blockQueue')[i].append(peer) if new_block_count > 0: block_string = "" if new_block_count > 1: block_string = "s" logger.info( f'Discovered {new_block_count} new block{block_string}', terminal=True) comm_inst.download_blocks_timer.count = \ int(comm_inst.download_blocks_timer.frequency * 0.99) comm_inst.decrementThreadCount('lookup_blocks_from_communicator')