from unittest.mock import patch import sys, os sys.path.append(".") sys.path.append("src/") import unittest, uuid import base64 import niceware TEST_DIR = 'testdata/%s-%s' % (uuid.uuid4(), os.path.basename(__file__)) + '/' print("Test directory:", TEST_DIR) os.environ["ONIONR_HOME"] = TEST_DIR from utils import createdirs from onionrcommands import parser import onionrsetup as setup from utils import createdirs from onionrsetup import setup_config, setup_default_plugins import unpaddedbase32 createdirs.create_dirs() setup_config() setup_default_plugins() import config from filepaths import keys_file class OnionrTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_vanity(self): testargs = [""] with patch.object(sys, 'argv', testargs): try: parser.register() except SystemExit: pass testargs = ["", "add-vanity", "jolt"] with patch.object(sys, 'argv', testargs): parser.register() with open(keys_file, 'r') as keys: key_list ='\n') print('vanity key list test key database contents:', key_list) if not niceware.bytes_to_passphrase(unpaddedbase32.b32decode(key_list[1].split(',')[0]))[0].startswith('jolt'): raise ValueError('Vanity generation failed') unittest.main()