''' Onionr - Private P2P Communication launch the api servers and communicator ''' ''' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import os, time, sys, platform, sqlite3, signal from threading import Thread import toomanyobjs import config, apiservers, logger, communicator from onionrplugins import onionrevents as events from netcontroller import NetController from onionrutils import localcommand import filepaths from coredb import daemonqueue from etc import onionrvalues, cleanup from onionrcrypto import getourkeypair from utils import hastor, logoheader from . import version import serializeddata import runtests def _proper_shutdown(): localcommand.local_command('shutdown') sys.exit(1) def daemon(): ''' Starts the Onionr communication daemon ''' if not hastor.has_tor(): logger.error("Tor is not present in system path or Onionr directory", terminal=True) cleanup.delete_run_files() sys.exit(1) # remove runcheck if it exists if os.path.isfile(filepaths.run_check_file): logger.debug('Runcheck file found on daemon start, deleting in advance.') os.remove(filepaths.run_check_file) # Create shared objects shared_state = toomanyobjs.TooMany() Thread(target=shared_state.get(apiservers.ClientAPI).start, daemon=True, name='client HTTP API').start() Thread(target=shared_state.get(apiservers.PublicAPI).start, daemon=True, name='public HTTP API').start() # Init run time tester (ensures Onionr is running right, for testing purposes) shared_state.get(runtests.OnionrRunTestManager) shared_state.get(serializeddata.SerializedData) shared_state.share_object() # share the parent object to the threads apiHost = '' while apiHost == '': try: with open(filepaths.public_API_host_file, 'r') as hostFile: apiHost = hostFile.read() except FileNotFoundError: pass time.sleep(0.5) logger.raw('', terminal=True) # print nice header thing :) if config.get('general.display_header', True): logoheader.header() version.version(verbosity = 5, function = logger.info) logger.debug('Python version %s' % platform.python_version()) if onionrvalues.DEVELOPMENT_MODE: logger.warn('Development mode enabled', timestamp = False, terminal=True) net = NetController(config.get('client.public.port', 59497), apiServerIP=apiHost) shared_state.add(net) logger.info('Tor is starting...', terminal=True) if not net.startTor(): localcommand.local_command('shutdown') cleanup.delete_run_files() sys.exit(1) if len(net.myID) > 0 and config.get('general.security_level', 1) == 0: logger.debug('Started .onion service: %s' % (logger.colors.underline + net.myID)) else: logger.debug('.onion service disabled') logger.info('Using public key: %s' % (logger.colors.underline + getourkeypair.get_keypair()[0][:52])) try: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass events.event('init', threaded = False) events.event('daemon_start') communicator.startCommunicator(shared_state) localcommand.local_command('shutdown') net.killTor() try: time.sleep(5) # Time to allow threads to finish, if not any "daemon" threads will be slaughtered http://docs.python.org/library/threading.html#threading.Thread.daemon except KeyboardInterrupt: pass cleanup.delete_run_files() def _ignore_sigint(sig, frame): '''This space intentionally left blank''' return def kill_daemon(): ''' Shutdown the Onionr daemon (communicator) ''' logger.warn('Stopping the running daemon...', timestamp = False, terminal=True) try: # On platforms where we can, fork out to prevent locking try: pid = os.fork() if pid != 0: return except (AttributeError, OSError) as e: pass events.event('daemon_stop') net = NetController(config.get('client.port', 59496)) try: daemonqueue.daemon_queue_add('shutdown') except sqlite3.OperationalError: pass net.killTor() except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to shutdown daemon: ' + str(e), error = e, timestamp = False, terminal=True) return kill_daemon.onionr_help = "Gracefully stops the Onionr API servers" def start(input: bool = False, override: bool = False): """If no lock file, make one and start onionr, error if there is and its not overridden""" if os.path.exists(filepaths.lock_file) and not override: logger.fatal('Cannot start. Daemon is already running, or it did not exit cleanly.\n(if you are sure that there is not a daemon running, delete onionr.lock & try again).', terminal=True) else: if not onionrvalues.DEVELOPMENT_MODE: lockFile = open(filepaths.lock_file, 'w') lockFile.write('delete at your own risk') lockFile.close() daemon() try: os.remove(filepaths.lock_file) except FileNotFoundError: pass start.onionr_help = "Start Onionr node (public and clients API servers)"